Meet & Talk With Your Guardian Angels
Anyone can learn to talk daily with the Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides to receive life-changing healing and wisdom. It’s easy – and I will show you how.

Do You Want Answers To Your Most Burning Questions?
In ancient Greece, wise men and leaders who wanted answers to important questions visited the Oracle at Delphi. At this temple, priestesses communicated with the divine and gave them answers to their questions. It was famed throughout the land. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to go to Greece, or somewhere in your own country, and be able to receive the answers to questions like these:
How can I create wealth and prosperity for myself and my family?
How do I discover the secrets of long-lasting health and happiness?
How do I unlock the treasure of passionate relationships with my partner, family and friends?
What questions would you ask?
The good news is that you don’t have to go anywhere to receive the answers. You can learn how to talk with your guides, angels and archangels and receive the answers to these questions and any others, whenever you want, in your own home. Can you imagine how helpful that would be?
I will teach you how to do this for yourself.

Darren Linton
Founder & Teacher
Darren Linton taught thousands of people in over 50 countries around the world how to connect with the angels and receive their love, healing, guidance and miraculous assistance with their lives. The angels gave him a highly effective process for connecting with the angels, and asked him to share this 6 Step Process for Connecting with Your Angels with the world. The course he developed has helped thousands of individuals creating connectings with their angels, archangels and spirit guides so they could talk and work with them every day. And since his passing in July of 2018, Darren’s work has continued, transforming lives around the planet. The angels are here to help all of us.

Guided By Angels is a six month course designed to teach you everything you need to know about working, talking and healing with your angels and the Archangels. It will help you tune in to your spiritual ‘impulse’, develop a daily spiritual practice that allows you to fully develop your intuitive gifts, create lasting connections with the angels and then work with Angels, Archangels and other spiritual beings. You’ll be able to ask those burning questions and receive guidance, wisdom, healing and strength in every aspect of your life.
The Guided By Angels home study course gives you all of the benefits of talking and healing with your angels, and countless other serendipities and blessings too. You will be pleasantly surprised!
Here are just a few of the comments from former students and there are countless more.
I learned so much about myself and how to allow the angels into my life. Talking with my angels is so exciting. I have found a new path of hope and light.
I feel more at peace knowing that I have angelic protection all the time. I can call on the angels whenever I need help. Fascinating and fulfilling – it exceeded all my expectations. I’m so glad I started it.
A Wonderful, simple programme for light-workers everywhere – worth its weight in gold. Thank you.
What Will You Gain?
9 Wonderful Gifts You’ll Receive From This Course

Increased flow of angel signs, feathers, co-incidences and miracles in your life.
The course shows you how to call the angels into your life, and how to open up to greater guidance and everyday signs, love and miracles, in all areas of your life.
“I never knew life could be this easy, comfortable and beautiful. My angels are now my constant companions. I am loved and guided. What more could you ask?” Jay Phillips

Receive Healing Energies from the Angels
The course includes a unique Angel Attunement exercise which cleanses you of lower energies and brings you new angelic energies which helps you build your connection with the angels. A magical, joyful, blessed process. As it is one of the angel guided mediations included with the course, you can enjoy it again and again. It’s a joy every time.
“I saw a beautiful, crystal temple. There was a bed with lights and angels around it. When I lay on the bed I felt swirls of pink, blue and golden light around me. I felt tingling and warmth spread throughout my whole body. Afterwards, the angels told me that I have come a long way, and gave me an eagle feather, to show that I can fly as high as an eagle. Afterwards I felt wonderful, calm and peaceful. I play the CD every week.” Rachel Love

Improve Your Intuition – Make the Right Choices Easily
We all have intuition. Everyone I speak with recognizes that intuitive voice within, which gives us occasional messages. Sometimes we follow them and are glad we did so. Sometimes we ignore it then kick ourselves afterwards ‘I knew that was going to happen – I wish I’d listened to myself’ we say afterwards. We have this special gift, this friendly voice inside us, leading us to the right choices. Do you always listen? Most people say they are too busy, too tired, too stressed, to pay much attention to this voice within. What a waste! Here we have a gift from God inside us, and most people ignore it! Module 2 shows you how to tap into this voice within. It shows you how to connect whenever you wish, so you make the right decisions and choices for your life with ease. If you made the right decisions every time, and tune in for guidance whenever you have to make a decision, think how much easier and how much more smoothly your life would go! The course shows you how to develop your intuition to advanced levels, and use it to help your life.
“I can connect with my higher self and angels much more quickly – this helps me to make decisions easily. My life has improved enormously as a result.” Angela White

Meet and Talk with Your Angels
The course teaches you how to meet and talk with your Guardian Angels and other guides and angelic beings too. You learn how to call them to you, and talk with them whenever you wish, to receive guidance, answers, love, reassurance and inspiration – daily if you wish. You will see what they look like, discover their names, experience their unique energies, and ‘hear’ them talking to you directly, pouring their love and guidance into you. So inspiring – more so than you can possibly imagine. It’s like having a hotline to your angel – you can call them anytime for a chat – they’re always happy to talk!
“I’ve always believed in Angels. I knew I had a guiding angel, I just didn’t know how to contact him/her. During the guided exercise I met my Guardian Angel. He had huge white wings, golden hair, blue eyes, and a long white robe. He was a powerful being, and said his name was Helios. He told me to visit and speak with him as often as I like. I sometimes now connect just for the joy and companionship I feel. I love my angel connection.” Corinne Johnston

Connect with the Archangels
During the course you’ll also meet the three leading Archangels – Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael. You can ask them for healing, healing from past lives, guidance about your life path, strength, support, inspiration, protection. You actually feel their energy and hear their messages as they work with you. You will see them, and hear their messages for you. The course includes a special archangel meditation to help you connect. Working with these powerful beings can boost your life considerably. They may become welcome friends and regular helpers to you.
“I was feeling heavy, bogged down, so I used the archangel exercise to call on Archangel Michael. I felt his wings wrap around me, and when I asked for blocks to be removed, I could feel a pulling sensation as though something was being drawn out of me. I saw huge amounts of grey matter floating away, and felt lighter. The more that was taken away, the more peaceful I felt. When I opened my eyes, the room seemed somehow different, though I can’t explain how or why. I felt much better and more positive. The feeling of calmness was with me for several days. I use the archangel exercise often now for clearing and inspiration.” Sue Howe

Protection, Blessings and Transformation
You learn how to work with the angels and archangels in every and any area of your life. You can protect yourself, your family and your loved ones, and see your life being guided and transformed. Knowing that you are not alone, that you are guided and protected and blessed by the angels, subtly transforms the quality of your life. Stress and worry are replaced by ease and grace. Imagine the difference.
“I can now communicate with my guardian angel and guides, and ask them to help sort out problems. I know they will be dealt with. I actually witness the results of this, which was unbelievable at first, but now I know it will happen. Life is so much easier for me, and I am a better person, which helps everyone whose lives I touch.” Jean T.

Discover your true Life Path
Once you are connected with the angels, they will reveal things to you about your life. You can heal areas from the past, receive revelations about your path, how you can help others, and your work in helping the earth, and be led to new beginnings. Want to write, to heal, to help others, to do more with your life? The angels will help you, reveal your path, and show you the way. You are here to learn and grow, and to help others. The course includes special exercises to help you receive angel inspiration about your life. The angels will guide you forward in subtle or miraculous ways. Live your life as you are meant to.
“Before starting the course I felt I was ‘all over the place’ financially, emotionally and lacking direction. I found with the strong connections I made with the angels & guides & their gentle prompting, I am more positive, know where I am heading, and my finances are sorted out. It’s a great feeling knowing that everyone is loved unconditionally and the angels are here to help us – all we have to do is ask!” Marcia Thomas

Learn how to Heal with Angels
Are you involved in Reiki or other forms of healing? Perhaps you would simply like additional help in healing yourself? The course shows you 7 methods in which you can call on the angels to help you heal clients, family and loved ones. Boost your healing skills. Receive messages about how to help your clients, and how to develop your healing skills and healing business further, with the help of the angels. Guided By Angels also shows you 12 methods in which the angels can help you to heal yourself. Learn how to protect yourself and clear yourself too. As angel workers, you are probably sensitive to the energies of others. You can use this for good, if you learn how to protect yourself and keep your own energy clear and good. Your healing in all areas will be enhanced by working with the angels, and if you are a healer, they will help guide you in extending your work out into the world.
“While working with a client I saw bright multi-coloured lights all around her (a sign of the angels). I was guided to send healing towards her stomach. She told me that she had stomach problems which often kept her awake at night. She said she felt warmth and healing enter her stomach, and felt much better afterwards. A number of other clients have said that they have felt stronger energies since I started asking the angels to assist with my healing sessions. ” Jay Kristen

Knowing you are on the right path – Coming Home
Have you spent years seeking answers and your true path? When you are in tune with your Soul, Spirit and the Angels, are being blessed and guided forward on a daily basis, and are in communion with Spirit, you will find peace in your heart, and contentment in your soul. Then all things are possible. Surrendering to God and Grace, our lives are transformed for the better, and we look back with amazement and gratitude for our lives. This is the ultimate gift that the angels would like to share with you via the course.
“I feel more at peace knowing that I have angelic protection all the time. I can call on my angels whenever I need help. Fascinating and fulfilling – it exceeded all my expectations. A thorough and wonderful life-changing experience.” Linda Northgraves
Pay In Full
Online Access (50% OFF)SPECIAL SIGN UP OFFER: 50% OFF (Usually £199)
- SIX monthly teaching modules:
- 1. Setting the Foundations
- 2. Tuning In To Your Intuition
- 3. Connecting with Angels
- 4. Working with Angels & Guides
- 5. Working with Archangels & Ascended Masters
- 6. Angels & Ascension
- SIX guided visualisations – one supporting each module
- BONUS: The Secret Language of Angels guide to angelic signs
- BONUS: Mindfulness Meditation: ‘Oneness’
- BONUS: Angel Visions – A Guide To Your Future
- Advanced Visioning Meditation & Workbook
- Full support from the team
- 30 day money back guarantee
Pay Monthly
Online Access - ONE MONTH FREESPECIAL SIGN-UP OFFER: FIVE payments instead of SIX (Total £199.95 usually £239.94)
- SIX monthly teaching modules:
- 1. Setting the Foundations
- 2. Tuning In To Your Intuition
- 3. Connecting with Angels
- 4. Working with Angels & Guides
- 5. Working with Archangels & Ascended Masters
- 6. Angels & Ascension
- SIX guided visualisations – one supporting each module
- BONUS: The Secret Language of Angels guide to angelic signs
- BONUS: Mindfulness Meditation: ‘Oneness’
- BONUS: Angel Visions – A Guide To Your Future
- Advanced Visioning Meditation & Workbook
- Full support from the team
- 30 day money back guarantee

Don’t wait for the angels to come to you!
The angels are here to help us and the planet. They want us to be open to their light, love and guidance, so they can bless our lives, and help us to touch the lives of others. We can open up to them even more than before, and learn how to communicate, channel and heal with the angels, which brings untold joy and blessings into our lives.
Our angel course is a gift from the angels to mankind. It shows everyone how to connect easily, safely and joyfully with the angels and archangels, so that you can receive the full love, light and benefits of working with the angels and archangels, and see your life transformed for the better.
The course is easy to follow, takes only a few hours per month, builds into a complete manual for working with the angels, and includes guided angel meditations to help you connect with and enjoy the love and inspiration of your angels, time and again, whenever you wish.
The course has already proven its miraculous results with hundreds of people around the world, and we offer a full money back guarantee, so it’s completely risk free.